Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Now I'm getting nervous

You may notice, these posts are getting further and further apart. I feel like my life is going to change when the album comes out. (And when I let everyone know that I have this blog.) And the album has been shipped -- and will be here in a couple of days!

I'm having a CD release concert on Sunday, November 1 at 2 p.m. My friends who helped me on the album will back me up on some songs, and do some songs of their own. It will be a blast!

And I'm starting to make lists of all the people I'm going to send the album to when it arrives. I have to stock up on mailers, and stamps. I'm going to have to learn how to post songs to MySpace. I'm going to have to learn a lot of things. As if learning to play guitar, write lyrics and music weren't enough.

Do I not sound happy enough? Should I be more euphoric? Or is this normal?

I've decided: it's normal.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

We Will Survive

Well, now that you have the lyrics, here's what's been happening:

The master CD and the artwork have all been sent to Oasis, and I'm waiting for the final product to be delivered.

Meantime, I went to Summersongs (www.summersongs.org) the last weekend in August and played my song, "We Will Survive," to great acclaim. My dear friend David Beede video'ed it and posted the video on You Tube:

On September 11, I attended a David Roth concert. He and Penny Nichols, founder of Summersongs, both praised the album. What a wonderful feeling! They are both such excellent performers themselves, I felt honored to hear their kudos.

Now is the waiting time, till I receive my treasure.

I scheduled a CD release concert for Nov. 1 from 2-4 p.m. Many of the folks who played on the album will be there to back me up, and they'll also play a tune of their own.

Don't know what else to say. It's all very exciting!

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Lyrics and Back Stories to the CD, "Full Circle"

Okay, here goes. These are the lyrics and back stories (in italics) to all the songs on the CD, "Full Circle."

Full Circle: Songs of Peace and Love by Pat Lamanna


Inspired by attending a Gathering of Peoples Music Network for Songs of Freedom and Struggle (

Sing to the mountains, sing to the stars,
Sing to your lovers, wherever they are.
In trouble and sorrow, in gladness and praise
I’ll sing till the end of my days.

I am not famous, I’m not on TV,
I am no genius, that’s easy to see.
I’m only one person, so what can I bring?
But two hands that can work and a voice that can sing.


I am no child, but my dreams are still young,
I believe that the best songs are yet to be sung,
Of heroes and dragons, of jesters and knaves,
And the poor folk who struggle to get through each day, as they


Sing for the everyday, sing for the strange,
For the faith to accept and the courage to change,
And the wisdom to know when you’ve made the right choice,
To stand on the rooftops and raise up your voice, as you

Sing to the mountains, sing to the stars,
Sing to your lovers, whoever they are.
In trouble and sorrow, in gladness and praise,
I’ll sing till the end of my days.

Repeat first verse and chorus.


Born Mildred Ryder, she took the name “Peace Pilgrim” in 1953, when she began walking back and forth across the United States wearing a simple smock with the words “Peace Pilgrim” to engage people in talk about peace. She died in an auto accident on her way to a speaking engagement in 1981. Learn more about this remarkable woman, and order some of the books and tapes made available by Friends of Peace Pilgrim, at
www.peacepilgrim.org. Ever since I first learned about her, I’ve been ordering copies of the small blue pamphlet called “Steps to Inner Peace,” similar to the ones she used to carry, and giving them out everywhere.
Most of the words in this song are actually hers.

Her name was Peace Pilgrim, her age was unknown,
She carried no money and she had no home.
She walked our land for twenty-eight years,
To show us we can overcome our hatred and our fears,

She said, “I will walk until I’m given shelter,
She said, “I will fast until I’m given bread,
I will remain a wanderer until mankind has learned the way of peace.”

Her message was simple, we’ve heard it all before:
“We cannot learn peace while we’re waging war.
Good will conquer evil, truth will conquer lies,
Love will conquer hatred, if only we will try,”


She carried in her pockets everything she owned.
Some nights she slept on pillows and some nights she slept on stones.
One day out on the highway, she shed her robe of clay,
But the message that she carried still lives on in us today.


The place to begin is deep within yourself,
Then you can show the way to someone else.
When enough of us have learned to live in harmony
The old ways will crumble and our love will set us free.



I read an article in the paper. It said the following:


BUFFALO - Why bother spending money on books and
checkers to keep prisoners under control? The Buffalo police department simply painted their cells pink...[A]ccording to police research, the pink paint soothes their aggression and makes for a more tolerable jail...

The new color scheme for the historically drab cellblock is a product of studies suggesting that the shade of pink can decrease hostility.

The American Institute for Biosocial Research said pink can "reduce physiological variables associated with aggression in subjects of normal intelligence."

The research study of the pink cellblocks cited jails
that have gove one step further -- adding pink sheets, pink toilet paper, pink
towels and pink curtains.

I began to speculate on some of the implications of this finding...

Thanks to Charlie King, Jay Mankita, and the other participants in a Peoples Music Network workshop on funny songs for their feedback, which resulted in some improvements.

In Buffalo they’ve found a way to make a safer jail,
They’ve painted all the cellblocks pink, now harmony prevails.
They cite studies scientific which prove that pink’s terrific
For decreasing animosity in some aggressive males:

Paint ‘em pink, paint ‘em pink,
You’ll get more cooperation in the clink.
Aggression tends to lessen, and that would be a blessin’
With criminals who’d kill you in a wink.

Now that article I read gave me an idea,
There are women who are struggling with abusive mates, I hear.
When their fellas lose control, women’s heads begin to roll,
But maybe there’s a way to make those beatings less severe:

Dress him in pink, dress him in pink,
Even when he’s had a bit too much to drink,
In a shirt and tie of fuchsia, he will never try to push ya,
He’ll run out and buy you roses and a mink.

Now this plan is such a good one, we should spread it far and wide,
Like to that house in Washington that has five equal sides,
If we painted it magenta, the generals would be gentla,
And to end all wars forever they might finally decide:

Paint it pink, paint it pink,
And the military appetite will shrink.
There could be much utility in reducing the hostility
Of the guys who’ve got us dancing on the brink.

Paint it pink, paint it pink,
Our future may be rosier than we think.
If it really does soothe passion, it should be the latest fashion –
Won’t the world look simply smashing all in pink!


I don’t think this requires an explanation.

I built a tower in my heart, and called my tower Fear,
I started when I was quite small, and added more each year.
And brick by brick those walls became my prison and frontier,
And Love lay buried deep in the foundation.

I built a tower in my heart, and called my tower Greed,
Inside I hoarded treasure, far more than I’d ever need.
And gazing from the ramparts I could watch my brothers bleed,
And Love lay buried deep in the foundation.

Then one bright September day those towers came crashing down,
As poisoned arrows pierced my heart, they crumpled to the ground.
Smoke and fire filled the air, and Death was all around,
And Love lay buried deep beneath the rubble.

For many months I cursed my fate, and mourned the tragedy,
Until I came to understand: it all was meant to be.
Without those towers’ confining walls my spirit might fly free,
And Love could come crawling from the shadows.

Then slowly I began to clear the rubble from that space,
And where my towers had stood I built a garden in their place.
And God walked in my garden, and I met him face to face,
And Love bloomed in the flowers of my garden.


In honor of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin, and the 150th anniversary of the publication of his great work, “The Origin of Species.” You probably already know that The Beagle was the name of the ship on whose voyage Darwin made his remarkable discoveries.

Take me sailing on the good ship H.M.S. Beagle
Show me the sea from whence I came,
And if I’m sister to an ape or cousin to an eagle
That’s a legacy that I’d be proud to claim.

Like most of you, I was born stark naked
And railing at a world I didn’t choose
Like most mammals, I thought it best
To dine at my mother’s breast
That’s why I’m befuddled and bemused
That there are folks who still just can’t accept it
That we’re all kin to the lizard, ant and whale
When we’ve got organs, blood and bones
Muscles, nerves and chromosomes
And in the womb we even had a tail, so


I’ve heard that long, long ago and far away
This old universe got started with a bang
As atoms hurtled through the sky, planets formed, and you and I
Showed up the other day and joined the gang.
It’s a story I’ll be telling to my grandkids
There could be molecules of Socrates in me
Tumbling down across the ages into rocks and trees and sages
Recycling for all eternity, so

Chorus: Take me sailing on the spaceship Telescope Hubble
Show me the stars from whence I came
And if you say I’m just a speck of discarded cosmic rubble
That’s a legacy that I’d be proud to claim.

Now in my skin it sometimes feels quite lonesome
And I’m often scared that you might do me harm
But from an atom’s point of view, there is no me, there is no you
Just a whirling blur of energy and form.
It’s all about the process, not the product
That’s why I’m hopeful that someday we’ll resolve
To end all fighting, hate and war, we don’t need them anymore
Can we all just get together and…evolve?

Original Chorus

I wrote this song to express my anger and frustration at the way religion is used to separate us and rationalize, even provoke, enmities among neighbors. I was concerned that it might be offensive to some, but if it is, no one has expressed that to me yet. Thanks to David Roth and his Grain of Sand class at Summersongs for excellent feedback that resulted in a complete rewrite of the third verse.

Long, long ago and far, far away, a man took a bite of an apple, they say.
He was living in Eden, a beautiful life, till he was corrupted by his evil wife,
And with that, all humanity fell,

Chorus: Oh, the stories we tell, myths, and legends, and lies,
We tell ourselves stories and then we believe them, and millions of innocents die.
We tell ourselves stories and then we believe them, and millions of innocents die.

Long, long ago and far, far away, we were slaves unto Pharaoh in Eygpt, they say.
Then the Lord brought us forth with an outstretched hand, and led us through desert into Canaan land, which he gave us forever to dwell,


Long, long ago and far, far away, a virgin gave birth to a baby, they say.
He was nailed to the cross, so that we’ll never die, and all who believe straight to Heaven will fly, and the rest will be cast into Hell,


Long, long ago and far, far away, Allah appeared to Mohammed, they say.
The words that he spoke became the Qu’ran, Now they must be the law of each true Muslim land, to protect us from the infidel,


Long, long ago and far, far away, A pinpoint of matter exploded, they say.
It formed gaseous clouds, and planets and stars, and all manner of life on this planet of ours, and perhaps on some others as well,

New Chorus: We need new stories to tell, I wonder how long it will take?
Can we sit down together and talk with each other, For all the dear innocents’ sake?
Can we sit down together and talk with each other, For all the dear innocents’ sake?


This song was inspired by a conversation on the Summersongs email list. Someone posted a comment about how people don’t say “Merry Christmas” anymore. Others chimed in; some opining that it’s a good thing the holiday is generic nowadays, others disagreeing. We decided that at the next Wintersongs we’d have a song circle devoted to songs of the spirit. This is what I came up with.

Chorus: Gather in the warmth, gather in the light,
Gather in the glow of the fireside bright,
Sing a song of courage through the long, cold night,
And gather in the warmth and the light.

When the year grows old and weary and the days are short and cold,
We yearn for the comfort of the hearth.
With gifts and prayers and music and with stories of old,
We turn from the cold and the dark.


We dress up in our finest, we decorate our homes,
Prepare a table laden with delights.
Welcome in the children from wherever they have roamed,
And gather in the warmth and the light.


Some may call it Christmas, or Hanukah, or Yule,
Who’s to say if one of them is right?
By whatever name you call it, it’s an ancient ritual
To gather in the warmth and the light.



I heard about a song contest that had three rules for submissions. 1. It had to be written recently. 2. It had to be true. 3. It had to be about traveling. This song had all those elements, but it didn’t win the contest. Oh well.

Chorus: I don’t do much travelin’ anymore, it takes a lot to get me out the door,
I used to be a gypsy till I settled in Poughkeepsie,
It’s got everything that I was looking for.

I took a leave from college back in 1968,
Stayed with friends in Berkeley, hung out in the Haight.
I woke up and headed home before it got too late,
And I don’t do much travelin’ anymore.


Once I rambled round the world just like a rolling stone,
Fell in love in Amsterdam, and Athens, and Cologne,
When a year had ended I got on that plane alone,
And I don’t do much travelin’ anymore.


These days I’ve got a steady job, play music on the side,
Go to church on Sunday, watch my children grow with pride.
I don’t know if I’ve changed the world, but heaven knows I tried,
And I don’t do much travelin’ anymore.



I’m fortunate to have two spare bedrooms and I love to offer them to folksingers who are passing through town. Here’s to Mark Levy, David Beede, Scott Ainslie, and all the great singer-songwriters I’ve put up – and put up with – over the years. And to David Roth, who shed a tear when he heard this song.

Don’t forget to call your wife, let her know that you’ve arrived
Safe and sound in my town.
I’ll make up the extra bed, would you like some pumpkin bread?
You’ll be well fed, as long as you’re around.

You’ve been on the road so long, singing all the same old songs,
You need a rest, be my guest.
But soon you’re grabbing your guitar, heading for Mahoney’s bar,
Where you’ll be found, as long as you’re around.

Refrain: When you get up on the stage I’ll be there in the front row,
After every song you’ll hear me clappin’,
An itinerant folksinger’s life is the life you chose,
And I’m one of those who helps you make it happen.

The concert’s done, the crowd was pleased, you sold a dozen more CDs,
And now you’re tired, but you’re still wired.
There’s still some songs left to be sung, in the morning you’ll be gone
But we’ll have fun the next time you’re around.


So don’t forget to call your wife, tell her everything went fine
In my town, you’re homeward bound.
I’ll be making eggs and toast, while you’re waiting would you just
Play one more song…as long as you’re around.


At the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Poughkeepsie, we have an annual Comedy Night. I wrote this for one of those.

Well, I woke up this morning, it was rainy, dark and freezin’
I knocked on my neighbor’s door for no apparent reason,
I’ve got those UU blues, I’ve got those UU blues.
I’m gonna go out and spread the news, Lord, I’ve got those UU blues.

Well some got their Bhagavad-Gita, some got their Book of the Dead,
Some folks got commandments, we got principles instead,
I’ve got those UU blues, I’ve got those UU blues.
I’ve got those seven little clues that don’t give me no answers blues.

Well, some UUs are Buddhist, some UUs are Jews,
We might as well cover our bases, we’ve got nothing to lose,
I’ve got those UU blues, I’ve got those UU blues.
Why should we have to choose, Lord, I’ve got those UU blues.

Well if you are a pagan, you think God is everywhere,
And if you are an atheist, you haven’t got a prayer,
I’ve got those UU blues, I’ve got those UU blues.
If you like to schmooze, you might have those UU blues.

Well I’m gonna live forever, I’ll tell you the reason why,
I serve on so many committees, I ain’t got time to die,
I’ve got those UU blues, I’ve got those UU blues,
When they ask I can’t refuse, Lord, I’ve got those UU blues.

With low wages and high prices, I’m living on the edge,
I may not pay my mortgage, but I’m gonna pay my pledge,
I’ve got those UU blues, I’ve got those UU blues,
Don’t give me no excuse, you’ve got to pay your UU dues

Our coffee’s all fair-traded, our paper’s all recycled,
We’re so goddamn PC we drive hybrid motorcycles,
I’ve got those UU blues, I’ve got those UU blues.
We even drink organic booze, when we drown those UU blues.

When I get to heaven, I’m gonna sing and shout,
Gonna start picket, march and protest till they throw me the hell out,
I’ve got those UU blues, I’ve got those UU blues.
Hand me down my asbestos shoes, Lord I’ve got those UU blues.

When I meet the Deity, I’m gonna give her a piece of my mind,
Gonna ask, “Is this what you call intelligent design?”
I’ve got those UU blues, I’ve got those UU blues.
Gonna give the Lord my views, yeah, I’ve got those UU blues.

Repeat first verse.


A true story. It happened when I returned from the January 2009 gathering of People’s Music Network.

I pulled into my driveway to find my door wide open
I jumped into the hallway, the doorframe had been broken
I ran into the bedroom, my laptop had been stolen
I picked up the phone and dialed 911 –
At least my weekend had been fun.

I hope they liked my laptop, my brain’s external hard drive
It contained all the details of my complicated life
The minutes of the meetings, the family photographs
The lyrics and the chords to all my songs –
I’d been meaning to back up for so long.

Chorus: None of us walks safely through this world
None of us gets out of here alive
Each of us is doomed to die alone
But we ------------------------ we will survive.

They also got my jewelry, my bracelets and my bangles
My mother’s opal earrings and the hippie ones that dangled
My chains of gold and silver, I hope they all got tangled
All the presents, like the string of cultured pearls –
My daddy gave me when I was a little girl.

But I didn’t even tell you the most dreadful part of all
My little cat could not be found, she didn’t heed my call
I figured in her terror she’d dashed through the open door
And I pictured her, not knowing where to go –
All alone and frozen in the snow.

The policeman came right over, sympathetic and polite
He dusted for fingerprints, just like on C.S.I.
A friend came by and fixed the door so I could sleep that night
We were drinking tea and having a nice chat –
When up the basement stairs here comes the cat.

They can take away my laptop, they can take my golden chains
But the memories that matter are the ones that still remain
I don’t need stuff to remember all my joys and all my pains
Consumer goods can always be replaced –
But save receipts and back up data, just in case.



I wrote this for a nephew, a musician who was marrying a music teacher. I’m proud to say it was included in a compilation CD/songbook called “Summersongs Choral Songbook: 16 choral arrangements of positive, inspiring, original songs.”

May you have mornings golden and bright
May sunlight fill your days with delight
May all your stars burn steadfast and clear
Chorus: And may you have music, sweet lovely music,
Beautiful music, down through the years.

May you have flowers round your front door
May you have cats curled up on your floor
May friends drop by from far and from near

May all your children flourish and thrive
And stand close beside you all of your lives
May you share laughter, may you share tears,
And may you share music, sweet lovely music,
Beautiful music, down through the years.


I went to Summersongs (
www.summersongs.org) for the first time in 2005 partly because of its location, in the Catskills where I’d spent six summers as a camper at Camp Woodland. Woodland was a very special camp which had had a tremendous influence on my life and just to be near it was energizing. After a week at Summersongs, I realized that I had found something as close to Camp Woodland as is possible to achieve as an adult in the 21st century. As I drove away, I turned west on Route 28 instead of east, where home was, found the former site of Camp Woodland, and began to write this song. The last couple of lines need some explanation: “The light of love would shine within their spirit” is a reference to David Roth’s song, “May the Light of Love.” “The trees would be so green they’d touch the sky” is a reference to Summersongs’ theme song, “Beautiful World,” which can be heard, among other places, on Penny Nichols’ “The Voyages of Nep,” and David Roth’s “Think Twice.”
The picture on the cover of my CD was taken on the bridge at “Lake Ushy Gushy” at Camp Woodland by my friend and fellow Woodlander, Sue Rosenberg. Unfortunately, it’s not noticeable, but I’m wearing a Summersongs T-shirt in the picture.

The Esopus Creek winds down the Catskill Mountains
Soft rolling hills so green against the sky,
It’s there I spent the summers of my childhood
It’s there I learned the songs that shaped my life.

So the other day I drove into Phoenicia
Stopped in for some ice cream at the store
Then rambled dusty roads until I found it
I stood upon that sacred ground once more.

It was in that place that I first heard Pete Seeger
Sing Abiyoyo and Irene Goodnight
The first time I wrapped my fingers round a D chord
And dreamed about the songs that I would write.

So many years have passed, so much work and love and pain
So many things have changed, even my name.
But though each verse is different, still here comes the refrain
And my life has come full circle once again.

The Esopus still winds down the Catskill Mountains
Soft rolling hills still green against the sky,
And there are still folks singing round the campfire
I think that I could join them if I try.

They are singing for the beauty of the music
They are singing for the healing of the earth
They are filling up the lonely sky with laughter
They are celebrating life from death to birth.

And I do believe if everyone could hear it
They would look at life with new and different eyes
And the light of love would shine within their spirit
And the trees would be so green they’d touch the sky.

So many years have passed, so much work and love and pain
So many things have changed, even my name.
But though each verse is different, still here comes the refrain
And my life has come full circle once again.
And my life has come full circle once again.
And my life has come full circle…

Bonus Tracks: From “I Don’t Mind Failin’,” by The Raggedy Crew

This album is still available. Contact me if you’d like a copy. In addition to these three songs, there are eight others: "My Lord, What a Morning;" "I Don’t Mind Failin’;" "Plaisir D’Amour;" "Silkie;" "Dainty Davy;" "What Have They Done to the Rain?;" "Rothesay Bay;" and "To My Old Brown Earth."

By the way, the name The Raggedy Crew comes from a verse in the title song of the album:
"I'll stay down here with the raggedy crew, 'cause gettin' up there means steppin' on you, I don't mind failin' in this world."


I wrote this about twenty years ago, when Pete was celebrating his 70th birthday. Now, on the occasion of his 90th, it seems more appropriate than ever.

An explanation of the title: In 1961, Pete’s appeal on his conviction of contempt of Congress following his appearance before the House Un-American Activities Committee came to trial. Supporters wore red, white and blue buttons saying “Keep Him Singing.”

Chorus: Keep him singing, keep him singing,
Keep that old guitar and banjo ringing.
He hears our voice, he sings our song.
Keep him singing by singing along.

I’ll tell you of a man, Pete Seeger is his name.
His music and folk singing have earned him much fame.
And I’ll tell you a story ‘bout the life that he’s led,
The road he has taken, few may dare to tread, so


In this land of the free he took many a bold stand,
And found himself in prison, from stage and TV banned.
But still he never wavered from the course he felt was right,
He kept his light shining like a beacon in the night, so


Like a redwood in the forest, he stands so proud and tall,
For peace, love, justice, and dignity for all.
Now some songs come and go, and some you outgrow,
But his songs, like the river, through our lives will ever flow, so


I’ll tell you of a man, Pete Seeger is his name.
His music and folk singing have earned him much fame.
And I’ll tell you a story ‘bout the life that he’s led,
The road he has taken, we all may dare to tread.



Pete Seeger asked me to send him the words to this song – three times! It was a big hit with the kids when I sang it on the Sloop Clearwater as a volunteer in May 2008.

Sunshine, sunshine, always around me,
Sunshine, sunshine, I’m glad you found me.

The sun is free and it’s easily found,
There’s plenty of sunlight to go around.
So why use gas, oil or coal,
When you can get to the sun without digging a hole?


The sun is free and it’s easily found,
There’s plenty of sunlight to go around.
So why use gas, coal or oil,
When you can get to the sunlight with half the toil?


The sun is free and it’s easily found,
There’s plenty of sunlight to go around.
So why use coal, oil or gas,
When air pollution is a pain in the – (go right into chorus)


The sun is free and it’s easily found,
There’s plenty of sunlight to go around.
Some say nuclear power’s the way,
But I say the answer’s as plain as day.

(The last chorus can be sung as a round by dividing the singers into four groups.)


Dedicated to Tom Kannmacher, for whom I tore up my ticket many years ago.

Stay with me, oh don’t you go so soon,
Stay with me, and sing me one more tune.
I am here, but soon I will be gone.
Stay with me, the night is a-comin’ on.

I been travelin’ through this world alone.
When I met you, I was headin’ for my home.
Wonder how it happens, yeah I wonder how it starts:
Two strangers find themselves reflected in each other’s hearts.


Tore up my ticket just to be here by your side,
When all too soon, the love between us died.
When morning comes, Daddy, I’ll be on my way.
But I don’t think twice, I don’t regret a single day.


Radio Show, and Summersongs

I was honored to be invited on Graham and Barbara Dean's radio show, Common Sense Songs, on WBCR (http://www.berkshireradio.org/) in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. Unfortunately, it was a Wednesday evening, the night before I had to go back to work, so I only stayed from 8 to 9 p.m., rather than the whole two hours of the show. They played songs from the rough mix of my CD. I had brought my guitar but was too nervous to play any of the songs live. We had a delightful conversation, and went from talk to songs seamlessly (I thought). Although the CD had not been mastered, I thought it sounded pretty good.

We all showed up at Summersongs that weekend -- last weekend. Graham gave me a CD of the radio show -- great fun to listen to later. Also at Summersongs, Mark Dann, the genius who mastered my CD, handed me five copies of the mastered version for my approval. Although I had really hoped to have it ready by last weekend, it was nice just to have gotten this far. I gave my extra copies to trusted friends Penny Nichols, Director of Summersongs; David Roth and Sloan Wainwright, the most wonderful teachers whose professional opinions I value highly; and David Beede, a fellow camper with a wonderful ear and the ability to give feedback honestly and gently.

Listening to the CD on the way home from Summersongs Sunday night, I realized that one song was on the album twice and another had been omitted. A small error, easily corrected. The CD overall sounded great! (That is, as great as I can sound. Am I putting myself down? Maybe -- or maybe I'm just being honest with myself. Does everyone have these conversations with themselves?)

Monday, I received the proofs of the artwork. Teacher that I am, I picked up one little error: a list of contributors to the CD where one item on the list ended with a period and the rest didnt. I'm going to let that go. It will be a good practice for me. And the CD cover, too, looks great. My daughter and son-in-law did a beautiful job, and I'm so glad that they participated in the making of this.

My next post will consist of the lyrics and back stories behind the songs -- what I assume most people will come to this blog for.